Got a tough clean-up/restoration/paint removal project from an office block to a bicycle frame that requires the strength of sand/grit blasting or a delicate touch leaving your original surface completely unharmed, we can provide the answer to meet your requirements.
Enviroblast UK is your go to blasting solution from a vintage iron to Jet plane or garden gate to a block of flats in London, Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire and Essex. In addition to traditional abrasive blasting look at the non abrasive soda blasting services we offer and please have a look through examples of our work on the website.
One of the benefits of Enviroblast UK is its flexibility. We are fully mobile and can come to you to clean or strip your projects surface using the blast media to suit your specific requirements. With soda the residue left behind is simple water-soluble baking soda safe to wash away. Alternatively we have our own blast premises less than 5 minutes from junction 24 of the M25.
We are always happy to chat through your projects and welcome the opportunity to provide test patch demonstrations on any of your property/possessions at your site or ours. Come and see what can be achieved on all of those jobs that you have either thought better of or put on the back burner.
We can offer sand / grit blasting, bead / vapour blasting. As well as welding, primer and paint services.
Anything current on your "to do" list? Do send us your pictures, requirements and details on our contact page and we will be in touch very soon.