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Abrasive Blasting has moved on from the Sand Blasting days although most new blast media work in a similar way and vary mainly in their coarseness.  We use a wide variety of media to ensure we can use the best media for the specific job.  However Soda works differently and is ideal for more delicate blasting of thin steel, aluminium, carbon and fibreglass.

Soda Blasting is a revolutionary non abrasive cleaning technology that propels bicarbonate of soda (Yes, everyday baking Soda - a non-toxic, non-hazardous food-grade material that is 100% water soluble) via compressed air onto the surface to be cleaned or stripped.

Soda blasting is a 100% non-abrasive, environmentally friendly way of removing paint, dirt, coatings, and any other surface contaminants without causing damage to the surfaces being cleaned.

Soda unlike its more aggressive rivals; glass, grit etc will not cause heat build up, sparks, or abrasion to the surface being cleaned.

How can Soda do this?

When Soda impacts the material you are blasting; the soda crystals simply explode outward taking only the surface contaminant layer off with them. Any other media for blasting will repeatedly dig in and remove layers within your surface to clean the target area.
Enviroblast Soda Blast Process

Biggest differentiator - Soda takes off anything on a surface but cannot remove anything within a surface!

For this reason, Soda:
  • cannot warp, bend or etch your metal panels,
  • cannot pit your aluminium or glass,
  • cannot tear up any of your rubber or plastic - just think, no more masking or stripping down!
Sodium bicarbonate also breaks down hydrocarbons, which makes soda blasting an excellent solution for cleaning whole engines and engine components. The Soda is just simply washed away ensuring your working parts will continue to work! Another major advantage of soda blasting is that Soda does not break down the surface tension of metals; therefore the appearance of flash rusting is delayed. Sodium bicarbonate acts as a rust inhibitor, leaving a protective coating on the surface being cleaned. This allows for time to pass before the surface has to be painted. When ready to prime, you MUST thoroughly wash off all Soda residue to provide a perfectly clean surface upon which to work.
Statue Of Liberty

Is this a new process?

Soda blasting was first devised as a process in 1972 in New York. The Statue of Liberty needed to be cleaned and restored. The State of New York was faced with many challenges involving environmental issues, waste management and the protection of the Statue of Liberty itself. Any abrasive materials used to clean the surface would have been harmful to the soft copper plates and then the spent blast media waste in the surrounding water was also a serious concern. Soda blasting was created because it could not only do the job whilst having a minimal impact on the harbour and waterways but it was also gentle, non-abrasive and effective in cleaning one of the USA's most famous landmarks.